For breakfast this morning it was the usual Kashi Go Lean Crunch and Wegman's Oats and Honey with strawberries, banana, cinnamon and Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Breeze. I also brought a travel mug of coffee with my for my chilly walk to work. 

After getting 13 kids dressed and undressed from their costumes for the 4 minute parade, our "party" and all the other chaos it was time for lunch, I had a Lemon Dannon Light and Fit an apple and some pineapple. I was STARVING from running around all morning, it was definately a wild day. In the afternoon I had one munchin since it was calling my name, it was a chocolate one.. mmmm :-D Around 4 it was quitting time and I walked home got ready for the gym and had a nice big old handful of peanuts to get me through the gym. I was so hungry today even though my tummy was very unhappy :( I did about 2 miles on the treadmill and came home to relax.. something that was MUCH needed!
Dinner was a Morning Star Farms Veggie Cheeseburger and a salad with Newman's Own Honey Mustard dressing. The burger was AWESOME!
Even Adam thought it tasted like the real thing.. This is my new favorite!! After dinner we ran to K-Mart to try to find a new battery for my pedometer but no such luck :( I came home and snacked on about 6 or 7 pieces of candy corn since today is candy corn day! Something I needed to celebrate ;) I realized I needed to take a picture after I had already dug in.. I'm off to read some blogs and pass out! Tomorrow is another nutty day in preschool land. 

I hope everyone has a great night and a wonderful Halloween :)
And I'll leave you with a picture of us girls from last Saturday night that I stole from one of my friends myspace ;)

haha... great costumes! I'm sure the little kids were very excited for hteir 4 minute parade:)