Lets see.. today I was up bright and early as usual, made some coffee and had a bowl of the Wegmans Oats and Honey with Strawberry cereal, some Kashi Go Lean Crunch, a banana, cinnamon and Unsweetened Almond milk. I also had a tasty bite of Adam's porkroll egg and cheese sammy.. 
I'm so glad he doesn't mind sharing :-D We then went for a stroll over to the supermarket to pick up meds and some food. We also stopped at the party store for me to get a cowboy hat and guns/holster for tonights outting.

I then came home got my stuff together and went over to the parents house to do laundry before my brothers football game. I had lunch while I was there and some snacks that I really didn't need. (I had my camera but was being a piggy and completely forgot to take pictures.. ugh) I had a half a piece of the best crumb cake that my mom bought from a fundraiser at her work. I then had some Chobani plain greek yogurt with tons of frozen berries and some golden grahams. mmm this was extremely tasty!!! I was so full from the coffee cake but ate it anyway because I knew I wouldn't be home until almost 5 from the game. I got back home soaked :( got into some comfy pants and put away all my nice and clean laundry.
I am now gonna relax before we make some dinner and I have to get ready for Girl's Night Out!! We are going to Martell's Tiki Bar in Point Pleasant for their halloween party since the band we are friend's with is playing. I decided on being a cow girl since that is what my other friends are going as and it was easy ;) Maybe I'll have some fun pictures for you tomorrow morning :-D
I'll be back later before I leave with a dinner post. Hope your all having a great Saturday and that it is sunny and warm wherever you are!
Mmm, your unpictured muchies sound totally yum! Have fun tonight Megan!