Saturday, November 15, 2008


OMG well last night we left for the bar around 7ish and I didn't get home until 1am! How crazy is that?!?!? My friend was having a great time so I wanted her to enjoy it (she had surgery 2 weeks ago and has been in a funk since she found out she needed it) I had about 3.5-4 beers, since it was 2 pints and about 1 bottle of Bud Light. I was flagged!! hahhah I stopped drinking by 8:30 and just tried to be a wall flower for most of the night.. That didn't happen though! Kelli was dancing and having a ball since our band was playing! We danced for most of the night and got hit on by way too many desperate guys.. It was so funny! I would tell them "Oh we're here tonight because its one year until my wedding and this is the band that will be playing it" unfortunately it didn't stop them from still trying to dance with me! lol oh well.. I haven't been had a guy try to dance with me at a bar in a long time so I have to say it was pretty flattering anyway ;)

Onto this morning.. I woke up around 7 :( since I heard Adam get up and start cleaning dishes! I think I'm turning him into me :-p

I finally got up around 7:45 and made some coffee and drank a big glass of water, which was much needed after last night. Breakfast was a bowl of Wegman's Oats and Honey with Almonds, Kashi Go Lean Crunch, a naner, cinnamon and 8th continent light vanilla. I also had 2 big bites of Adam's evil and delish pork roll egg and cheese! MMMMMMMMMM

After that we got ready to go meet the Minister that will be marrying us at his mom's church, they were having a craft fair. She seems very nice! :) I was then off to the parents to do laundry and fix their computer. While there I made a batch of brownies and some choc chip cookies. I had some brownie batter and one cookie.. all before lunch.. heheh Oh how I love weekends!

After that was all done I came home and cleaned the apartment, scrubbed the shower, sinks, and vacuumed. I feel accomplished :)

Lunch was a container of Fage 0% with 1/3 cup pumpkin, frozen berries and lots of tasty granola. I also tried to have a piece of my pumpkin bread I made a few night ago, but after a few bites I realized it went BAD ALREADY!!! WTF?!?!? I'm so sad. Its been pretty hot though so that's the only thing I can think that caused it..

I'm now waiting for Adam to come home and we are off to BJ's since we got a free trial membership and Wegmans since a certain boy is craving steak for din din tonight! I hope its dry and sunny where you are because it is miserable here in Jersey :(

1 comment:

  1. Flagged? LOL! Is that an East Coast thing? I've never heard it!
    I'm sorry about your weather! It's very dry and sunny here, but I'm downstairs in my lab (which has no windows) so I'm not exactly enjoying it - yet. :)
