Onto dinner it was an easy dinner tonight.. I called my cousin to fill her in on the status of our Uncle who is not doing so well.. So I just made a PB&J made with smuckers sugar free strawberry jelly, and PB&Co Cinnamon Raisin PB. I also had a couple honey wheat pretzels and some of those yummy pickles that Adam bought! I started eating it while on the phone and thenr realized I needed a picture. So I stopped and waited to get off the phone and take the picture.
Adam and I then went for a walk tonight half on the boardwalk half on the beach... the wind was blowing so walking back on the beach was mighty tough! I felt so out of shape... then it was home to get ready for 2.50 mug night at the bar with the girls :) I had about 1 and 3/4 of my mug.... which was alittle too much! I'm not relaxing watching friends and I'm gonna pass out soon. Hope everyone had a goodnight/ good Wednesday :)
I found a sweet potato that I bought last week and decided to make some fries out of it to have with our pizza tonight. I LOVE SWEET POTATOES!! For a snack while I was making them I had a few pieces of a couple of deli pickles that we picked up this weekend. I have a slight addiction to pickles, they are my favorite post bar food! Weird I know!!
I'm off to be lazy for alittle bit before I start making our pizzas! I'll have pictures of those later on tonight. Hope everyones Monday flew by!!