Today was one of those days were I craved comfort foods! Maybe its because of the cooler weather? It was gorgeous here though.. mid 70's.. Which I definately love! I went to the gym and walked for about 2.5 miles then did some upper body lifting. After coming home and being lazy and showering I tried to figure out what to eat. I saw a nissan ramen noodle that I found in the Outer Banks that is lower fat, calories and sodium than the normal ones. I know they still aren't good for me, but they remind me of college! It was YUMMY and made me happy, I also had some grapes with it.
Tonight was another comfort food... MOM'S MEATLOAF and some augratin potatoes, another awesome meal. Its funny because before going to college I started to hate meatloaf, then once away from home eating horrible dorm food I totally learned to appreciate home cooked meals. It is kinda the same now, since I've moved out. Once I moved back home after college I could take or leave meatloaf, since I'm not a big read meat fan anymore. Then when I heard they were having it today I said why not crash dinner and have some? I'm just not so happy that I've been eating so much meat lately but I don't do it often at all. So I might as well enjoy it while I can! I had walked to my parents house today, so Adam picked me up from there and off we went to Foodtown for some quality time and foodshopping, which is my favorite!! I got a bunch of Chobani yogurts because they were on sale for ONE DOLLAR! I was so excited :) I then came home and even though I was alittle full those jello puddings in the fridge were calling my name. So I just had to have one with some whipped cream. Now its time to look at reception sites online, I hope we can find some cheaper ones!! This wedding stuff is EXPENSIVE!!!
Hope everyone had a great Wednesday! 2 more days to go :-D

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