Today was a fun day, Adam and I were up eary because I had to show my mom how to get to the courthouse in our county since she has jury duty coming up. I scarfed down a bowl of Kashi Go Lean Crunch and Fiber One with Cinnamon and low fat soymilk.
I had some peanuts too while running around the house trying to get ready for her to pick me up. I brought a nice big cup of coffee with me for our ride. I came home and Adam and I went out foodshopping for a few things, since I was out of bananas! (I thought my world was ending) I then made some of granolaish bars that I got from Kath I tried a couple of bites to see how they tasted.. Can't have anyone getting sick from them now can we? I also had a few grapes too while cooking.

I then ate some lunch around 1 since we has to be to Adam's moms house for the party around 1:30. I tried the weight watchers Cherry Cheesecake flavor with some granola and berries, the yogurt was pretty sweet and tasted just like dessert which worked for me ;)
It was so hot out, I couldn't believe it!! We hung out and I snacked on a chip with homemade guacamole, a bite of a philly pretzels and probably something else ;) For dinner I had grilled veggies with some homemade pesto from Adam's cousins garden, it was amazing. I also had some fruit salad a few pickles, a bite of Adam's sausage and peppers, a spoon a baked beans, and god knows what else I stole off of his plate! A bunch of people went and played volleyball so I sat and talked with the other non-athletic types and watched the kids play. We then had some cake and cofee, Adam and I split a piece of cake it was a huge slice. We are now relaxing in front of the tv, the cup race is on so Adam is glued to the tv! I hope everyone is having a nice weekend!

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