Monday, February 16, 2009

One Meeting Down!

Well we got our first meeting with the pastor out of the way! She seems very nice and upbeat which is always a good thing. We have to take an online questionnaire to find out our "strengths" and were we need to "grow". This should be interesting!! hahah When we got home around 6:15 I was just getting hungry, which surprised me since I'm always hungry.. what is my deal? I did have a cup of Sleigh Ride tea before we left but I doubt that filled me up! I had a PB & J on WW with some Brother's All Natural chips. I love this dinner so easy and comforting, which totally works for me! I snacked on some grapes as usual and had an orange (forgot to take a pic but we know what oranges look like ;) I'm now watching Food Network and relaxing with my sweetie pie before my work week begins.. Hope Ya'll had a great Monday! See you tomorrow.


  1. oh I love love the Food Network. My roomie, whom I have lived with for 3 years, loves it and it has worn off onto me!

  2. aww i love pb&j and the brothers all natural brand. SO GOOD
