I hope you all had a wonderful day yesterday :) Mine was a busy one to start out with! We were up early... even earlier than we needed to be :( Once again I can't sleep a full night! ugh! We got ready and were out the door by 8:15 to get gas and some DD's for the ride. I had a medium Hazelnut coffee with skim milk and an equal. I had a bite of Adam's bacon egg and cheese but my breakie was a yoplait cherry cobbler, some cereal and a couple of pieces of a pear I cut up(I forgot the pic of this opps) 
We missed the bowling alley 3 times and were driving around New Brunswick for awhile. It was too funny!! We still got there earlier and found my family right away. This bowling alley has 82 lanes which I think is nuts! When I bowled there the first time my Freshman year of HS I was in awe.. haha I'm such a dork!!! Poor Manasquan didn't do too well, but it looked like the boys were enjoying themselves anyway so that is all that matters! The tournament was over by 12 and were drove over to Menlo Park mall to wander around. In the car once we got there I had a Clif Pumpkin Pie bar, these are the best flavor by far!!! :-D I also chugged a bottle of water since the bowling alley was so freaking hot! We had fun walking around the mall and left around 2ish to come home and hang out for a bit. 

Once home I snacked on some random things I seriously don't even remember except for some grapes.. hahah I then had a slight breakdown... I have a 4 day break but have a bunch of things to do with work/wedding/cleaning the apt. and just got upset. I was just being a bit dramatic but I really can't wait for our honeymoon where I don't have to think about anything except laying out by the pool (ok so I know that is so not me and I'll be out exploring the whole time! I can't sit still too long at all) lol
We then ordered out Vday pizza from the pizza place my brother works at. We got large pie half (mine) with peppers and mushrooms and Adam's half with pepperoni and sausage. He also got a pasta e fagioli. I had a few spoonfuls of the soup and a piece of my pizza and 2 huge bites of Adam's. I was so full, my belly was just weird yesterday I never got hungry.
That is so unlike me. I got my lesson plans done for next week and we looked up a few things online then got to playing some super mario brothers on wii and had a few beers. I had a Blue Moon with an orange slice and then half a Miller Lite.(unpictured)
Since it was Vday and I just had to have some chocolate I had 3 peanut mms and made Adam some random chocolate covered fruits. I was antsy to do something once we were done with the video games.. I had half a banana which I melted chocolate done and attempted to roll the naner in. I also put a couple of dried apricots in there for the extra chocolate. I def licked my fingers once or twice ;) hehe Adam decided to take pictures of me when I was playing with the chocolate. They didn't come out so well.. here's the best one ;)

How was your Vday? I have to say I was never one to make a big deal out of it. I think it is way too commercialized... Its really just another day to me.. but it does give me a "reason" to eat more chocolate ;)
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