USING ONLY ONE WORD Not as easy as you might think! Now forward, change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It's really hard to only use one word answers.
Where is your cell phone? pocket
Your significant other? bed
Your hair? blah
Your mother? sleeping
Your father? tv
Your favorite thing? chocolate
Your dream last night? WACKY
Your favorite drink? soda
Your dream/goal? happiness
What room are you in? livingroom
Your hobby? baking
Your fear? death
Where do you want to be in 6 Yrs? alive
Where were you last night? sleeping
Something that you aren't? rich
Muffins? blueberry
Wish list item? money
Last thing you did? clean
What are you wearing? clothesTV? yes
Your pets? none
Friends? Awesome
Your life? ok
Your mood? sleepy
Missing someone? always
Drinking? nada
Smoking? ewww
Your car? crap
Something you're not wearing? socks
Your favorite store? target
Your favorite color?orange
When is the last time you cried? Sunday
Who will resend this? dunno
Where do you go to over and over? work
Five people who email me regularly? mom, cookie, jess, john, porn ..hahah
My favorite place to eat? Harrigans
Favorite place I'd like to be at right now? beach
Blue Apron Review: Five Years Later
1 day ago
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