Here's my run down of Monday and today!
Yesterday was oatmeal (usual) and my mug of coffee to bring to work with me. It was a nice light day of kiddies in the morning but that changed in the afternoon.
Lunch was a light and fit yogurt with a pear, and some cheerios mixed in. At snack time I had a BIG handful of froot loops.. MMM I then raced home since I had to stay late at work because there were so many kids there and the high school girl texted my boss saying she was SICK! UGH! I came home showered and ate a very early dinner of pb&j.
We then went of to bowl with Joe and he kicked my BUTT. I bowled a 148,165,145. Joe's 2nd game was a 278 he bowled 9 strikes in a row! I snacked a about half a brownie and had some diet pepsi there. I was in a funk when we got home so I had a few pieces of chocolate. Which made me decide to cut way back on it for lent, its so sad I know I could never give it up. But I figured cutting back is a good goal, needless to say my Hershey's heart that I got for Vday has been tossed in the garbage!

Onto today.. I woke up around 7 and got my day started, I did some crunches (belly was not happy about this) and snacked on a spooky smores Zbar and about a cup of grapes that I forgot to take a picture of. 

Lunch was a cup of Pacific Foods Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato soup with a pear. MMM Love that soup! At snack I had a Kashi Pumpkin Pie Bar YUMO! 

I went to the gym and did about 2 miles on the treadmill and lifted as much as I could since my wrist was hurting from bowling.. I feel like such an old person but I always had problem with it, since I bowled 3x a week in high school for the school team.(when I was much better!!!)
Dinner was Subway since Adam has his gum surgery tomorrow and wanted something big and yummy that he wouldn't be able to chew for awhile after it.. poor guy. I got a veggie delight on honey oat bread with honey mustard dressing. I had half with a few pieces of cheese that mom gave us from last night... I also had a few Stacy's pita chips.
Dessert was a WW chocolate cake since its my last HOORAH with chocolate.. Or atleast I'm trying.. hahah I'm off to be lazy have a great night Ya'll!!! :-D

i am a little embarrassed to say this but I have bowled a 30 before and was trying. Off day I hope so! You are so good at bowling, WOW!
ReplyDeleteAww thanks Molls! I actually bowled almost my whole life.. K-8th grade in a league and then all 4 yrs of hs on the bowling team.. Yes I'm a big ol' dork.. but its fun! :) and hey.. even if you bowled a 30 were you atleast having fun?!? cause that is all that matters :-D