Friday's breakfast was my ususal oatmeal and coffee which totally hit the spot!
The morning was crazy and once lunch time hit I was starving! I had my Dannon Light and Fit Kiwi Strawberry and a pear. I then had to talk to a parent about their childs behavior.. This is what made the day not so fun... I went to the gym right after work to DE STRESS and did 2.25 miles on the treadmill and came home to find Adam home already :) We decided on going out to dinner after both having a rough week. We tried Applebee's across the street, but our waitress never came to us!!!!!!!!! Needless to say after 15 minutes of staring at the menu we got up and left. We went to a pub down the street from us I got a cosmo and a cheeseburger (cheddar) with sweet potato fries. OMG now I know why this place is known for their burgers!!! As you all may have noticed I'm not a big red meat eater at all but I've been craving a good burger and this fit the bill! I ate half and some fries and some of Adam's salad. I also was bad and got another cosmo. MMMM Needless to say I was tipsy but very happy and relaxed. 
We then went to A&P to pick up some breakfasty stuff for today. I checked out cars and car insurance once we came home I also snacked on a piece of Hershey's dark chocolate truffle from my vday heart and a chocolate covered peanut... yum yum! (there was lots of water drinking in there too!! I was then ready to hit the hay by 11ish and passed out!!!

I hope you all had a good Friday and I'll be back later to recap my breakie from this morning ;) Have a WONDERFUL WEEKEND :-D
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