Sorry I didn't make it yesterday on here, I went right from work and came home got ready and was off to Adam's cousins son's birthday party last night. It was a fun shindig and ate way too much! Big surprise I know ;) there was lots of pasta, sauce, bread and salad, oh and can't forget the chocolate and carrot cakes! MMMMM YUM! Needless to say belly is not thrilled with me today, but I still kept on eating. Breakfast was a bowl of then ends of a few cereals with Light Original 8th Continent with banana and cinnamon, there was also a nice mug of coffee with me for work.
Work was NUTS today the morning was lots of crying and craziness :( I was so glad for lunch time even though I wasn't even hungry. I had a Campbell's Soup at hand Tomato with 25% less sodium. I had some Wheatables on the side while we talked about the new president!!!
Snacktime came in the afternoon and I had a big chocolate chip cookie with the kiddies. I was off to the gym around 4ish and did 30 minutes on the treadmill and some weights. I was home a bit before 5 and beat Adam in the shower :-D I snacked on some dried fruit and grapes while Adam was showering and tried to figure out some din din. I decided on a Chobani Vanilla with strawberries, blueberries and tons of Grapenuts. I also had a couple bites of Adam's leftovers from Saturday night, which was a bite of pork and some veggies. 

We ran out to the library and the supermarket for work and came home to finally relax. I had 2 of my yummy chocolate chocolate chip cookies.
I know my belly is still gonna be angry with me. When will I learn? I NEED TO STOP BAKING AND HAVING SWEETS IN THE HOUSE!!!!!! Well hope you all have a great night! See you tomorrow!

but baking is the best!! but if you want to get rid of it i have no time/appliances to bake so i can take them off your hands...LOL!