Needless to say I didn't go to the gym on Satuday, I had a bowl of cereal (usual mix) and went to the parents house to do laundry and I baked a chocolate cake for them.
I snacked a bit there on chex mix.. since when I was eating I wasn't nauseous anymore. I came home and made up a lunch of Fage 0% with Strawberries and Blueberries and some Golden Grahams mixed in. This was way too heavy for the belly :( I was uncomfy all afternoon!
Dinner was homemade pizza on a Flat Out. It had part skim mozz, roasted garlic tomato sauce, peppers and mushrooms. THIS TOTALLY HIT THE SPOT! I also snacked on some grapes and pretzels.
After dinner I had 2 chocolate cookies. It was a very early night to bed and woke up feeling much better!

Sunday I had a scrambled egg whites with some laughing cow cheese melted in. I also had a half slice of Arnold Double Oat bread on the side with some butter.
MMM Of course I had my mug of coffee to energize me :) I then was off to the gym for 35 minutes on the treadmill and some weights. I came home showered and got ready to go to Trader Joe's for the very first time! We don't have any near us so we drove an hour north to go to one. This place was PACKED!!! It was also pretty small. We were a bit disappointed, but we did get a 3 dollar bottle of wine (white zin) and a 6 pack of TJ Beer to try. We also picked up a few other things to try out, at least we got some fun things :-D We then came home and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon, which was much needed. I completely forgot to take a pic of lunch but we picked up a bagel with cream cheese for Adam on the way up so I had 3 bites of that and a oatmeal raisin Power Bar. I love those they are one of my favs ;) Dinner was leftovers from dad, grilled chicken with tomatoes, black olives, capers, we put it over some pasta and had some salad on the side. 
For dessert I whipped up some sugar free white chocolate jello pudding. I used 1 cup of skim milk and one cup light 8th continent since I finished up the skim milk, it tasted very yummy! 

Today's eats was Oats for breakfast (banana, cinnamon, water, soy milk, grapenuts) and brought my mug of coffee to work.
At snack time I had 2 animal crackers (they were calling my name) haha Lunch was Light and Fit yogurt with apples and pineapple on the side. This did not like my belly and it made noises all afternoon! I had a handful of pretzels hoping that would calm it but no such luck! I went to the gym after work and did 2.5 miles on the treadmill and came home. When I got home I saw I got a surpise from FoodBuzz!! I got the new Quaker True Delights to try :-D When I try them I"ll let ya know which is my favorite!!!! I promised Adam I'd make him grilled cheese tonight so we both had that for dinner. We made it on Arnold double oat bread, this bread is so good and filling! On the side I had some pretzels, and a pickle. I also had a few spoonfuls of Adam's Campbell's Select Harvest Italian Wedding Soup. 

We ran some errands and came home, once home I had some pudding from last night and a few chocolate covered peanuts.
SO GOOD! Its now time for me to do some abs and watch some Monday night tv :-D Have a great night and see you tomorrow!

yay for foodbuzz package! I got mine today too!