Hi everybody!
How's your day going? Mine went pretty well today. I started out waking up at 4:45 when Adam's alarms went off :( I got up and did a potty run and thankfully fell back to sleep after I made Adam get his butt out of bed. hahah I finally woke up at 7:30 for real and got ready and made my bowl of oats. It had soynog, banana, cinnamon and some Back to Nature granola. I also brought a mug o' coffee with me to get me through my day. 

The state came for our inspection of the Nursery School! I answered the door and was like OH BOY! I ran around the school and let everyone know, cause I'm nice like that ;) I helped the one teacher who was alone get her kids set to go outside and then was back to my class. It went really well but we were glad when she was GONE!!! :-D Lunch was a Breyer's Yo Crunch Light with Vanilla Yogurt and Oreo pieces.
This is so good! Not my usual yogurt so it was a treat :) I also had a bunch of strawberries on the side. Snack today was goldfish so I had a handful of those around 2 with the kiddies. After work I was off to the gym, I did about 30 minutes on the treadmill and some weights. I came home and relaxed for a bit since I got out of work a little earlier today, I snacked on some nuts while watching the end of Oprah.

Adam and I had Chicken baked with Fiber One as bread crumbs and we had this delicious couscous with mushrooms in it :-D 
This dinner was great! After dinner I went to the library to get some books for the kids and then came home and made some popcorn in my new microwave popcorn popper!!! Healthy popcorn that is way cheaper than buying the micro bags ;) It was so good! I sprayed some I Can't Believe Its Not Butter on it, and we chowed down!!! (we inhaled it so quick I forgot the picture) I then got to painting pretzels for a project I'm having the kids do at the end of the week. I am finally relaxing watching The Real Housewives of Orange County. Just the way I'd like to end my Tuesday.

I hope everyone had a great day! See you tomorrow ;-D
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