Onto this morning.. I woke up around 6ish having to run to the potty.. darn water drinking late at night! I realized Adam was still in bed, he had to be up at 5:20 so I told him to get up!! He said soon, which made me lay there until he was finally up and out which was after 6:30.. UGH! I got up at 7:30 and made a bowl of good old cereal (Fiber One Oat Clusters with some Honey Nut Cheerios, banana, cinnamon and Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Breeze) I also brought my mug of coffee to work with me to get me through the miserable day.

Work was a breeze since Wednesday we do not have many children in my class. Once it was time for lunch I wasn't very hungry but ate anyway, I had my Dannon Light and Fit with some Cheerios mixed in and about 6 big strawberries. After lunch one of my coworkers gave me Gingerbread tea to try and boy was it yummy! I had that and about a cup of Froot Loops for snack with the kiddies ;)
After work I was off to the gym, I watched Oprah while on the treadmill and did about 35 minutes. For some reason it was a struggle today to be there, I just hate when that happens. Maybe it was just the weather?
I came home and was starving so I had a huge handful of peanuts and checked my email. It was then my turn in the shower and to decide what to eat. My parents gave us Kielbasa but since my stomach is still not 100% thrilled with me after all the food and drinks over the holidays I decided that wasn't my best bet. Instead I had one bite to try it and a Lean Cuisine Chicken, Mushroom and Spinach panini with a bunch of bread and butter pickles on the side :)
SO SO GOOD! We then made up a quick food list and went to the health food store and A&P. I got more crystallized ginger at the health food store and picked up one of my veggie chicken salad sammys to either have tomorrow or Friday :-D We came home and put everything away and have been relaxing. I did the real age test from Oprah tonight and found out my "real age" is 35.9 which is 1.6 years younger than what I really am! Not too shabby ;) While doing the test I had 2 peanut butter chocolate chip cookies and 2 spoonfuls of Adam's Moosetracks ice cream, I was kind of disappointed because I really didn't like it too much. Oh well atleast I won't be tempted to eat it then ;) Hope you all have a great night! 2 more days until the weekend!!!!!!!!!!

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