I wanted to type early but was lazy this afternoon and actually made dinner!!
I guess I'll start off with breakfast, it was oatmeal, banana, soynog, cinnamon and some Grape nuts. I also had a mug of Holiday Spice coffee with FF half and half and stevia. 
We sat and watched some TV then went to Adam's mom's house to do some stuff on her computer. I was transferring all of Adam's music onto a scandisk USB Thingy.. hahah We then were off to the mall for passports and booking the honeymoon!! When waiting for the pictures for our passports we ended up running into one of Adam's friends from work so it was nice to chat while waiting. By the time we were done it was around 12 and we were getting thirsty and munchy. I got a Coke Zero and Adam got some cookies, I did have 2 bites of a fudge cookie.. MMMM

We then booked the honeymoon to Antiqua http://www.sandals.com/main/antigua/an-home.cfm. We are so excited! I can't wait :-D After the mall we were STARVING! Adam had never been to an Olive Garden so we stopped there on the way home. I got a bowl of Minestrone and ate a breadstick too.. MMM I also had some of Adam's salad and a couple bites of his tasty pizza that he got. I was so mad that I forgot my phone to take pictures.. GRRR We came home and relaxed, I did my lesson plans for the week and snacked on some nuts while watching the Giants lose :(
Around 5 I got to cooking diner, We made regular and sweet potato fries and flounder breaded and baked in the oven for 12 minutes. I am not a fan of touching meats/fish when the are not cooked but I did it all by myself and boy was I proud :)
I also had a glass of White Zin with dinner. After dinner while chatting I had a chocolate, chocolate chip cookie and 2 chocolate covered peanuts. MMM

I am off to watch Rich Bride, Poor Bride and get ready for bed and a new week.
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