Sorry I didn't come back last night, by the time I got home it was already 7:30 and Adam was going to bed soon so I spent some time with him, then just vegged on the couch in my food coma :-p
Dinner last night was breaded/baked chicken (this is Joe's fav and mine too!) so easy and simple but so tasty. I had mine with a sweet potato, green beans and some stove top stuffing.. MMMM

We relaxed for a few (me and mom looked at wedding dresses) and then did the bday thing. I can't believe my baby brother is 18!!!! The year he was born was a tough one.. My dad had lost his job, and with in 2 months and 12 hours my 2 grandfathers died. Oh and my mom had cancer and couldn't have surgery until after she had Joe. My mom's father died right before Christmas which threw my mom into premature labor. 2.5 months early and also it was Christmas morning. They held her off for 5 more days, but early 12/30/90 Joe was born. He was a tiny one, but pretty healthy for being so early. Now look at him!!!!!!!!! He's 6'2 and 200 lbs! Where did he come from?!? No one knows.. hahah except that we look so much alike and just like our mom ;)
Onto today! Sorry for rambling... lol
This morning I was up bright and early for a day off to go to the DMV with Joe to get his "real" license since you get a provisional license for a year first. We picked up Dunkin Donuts on the way, my treat since I have so many gift cards!! I got a hazelnut coffee with skim milk and had a Pear Strudel Cliff bar in the car. I have to say this one wasn't my favorite, the pumpkin one is the winner in my book ;) 

I came home and watched some tv then was off to the gym, I did 2.5 miles and some weights. I came home and vegged on the couch, did some crunches and found out we were in the local paper for our engagement!!!! I'm very excited, it said that it could take up to 6 weeks and I just submitted it on Saturday!
I then got in the shower and made some lunch, a tuna sandwich on an Arnold Whole Wheat sandwich thin, with pickles and some Rold Gold Honey Wheat pretzels on the side. I also had some Crystal Light to drink, must hydrate for tonight!!!!!! I then snacked on a few more cookies that I had baked and now I'm enjoying some Bridezillas until Adam gets home. 

We are going out to dinner tonight at They have very tasty sushi and Adam loves their Chinese food. We are then going to my friends apartment, the one who lives a few doors down. I baked cookies and we are bringing some beer. It should be a very interesting night! HAHA I will definitely have some pictures tomorrow ;) Since I won't make it back before tomorrow have a safe and happy New Years!!!