Ok here's today's fun filled day... Woke up around 8:15 which is totally sleeping in for me! I was very very excited, I stayed in bed until about 8:30 and got up to make some coffee and watch the news.. the news is so depressing, so needless to say I didn't keep it on very long.. lol
Breakfast was 1/2 cup eggbeaters with a Laughing Cow Cheese wedge and half a piece of Wegman's Country Oat bread with cottage cheese.. mmm oh and tons of ketchup for the eggs ;) 

We went to both of our parents houses to pick up a few things then went to the dollar store, I needed an aluminum pan to cook a cake that I wanted to try out and we got the Sunday paper for $1, its usually 2 bux!! haha we are so thrifty. :-P
Since it was so beautiful out I decided to skip the gym and go to http://www.allairevillage.org/index.html Its so pretty here to walk around, it totally made my day to be outside in warmth! (its gonna get cold again tomorrow.. ugh!) We got home around 1:30ish and I made up some Chobani vanilla with frozen strawberries and blueberries and put some granola and golden grahams on it.. SO SO GOOD! 
I then got to baking up a Weight Watchers cake recipe I had seen that I thought would be worth a shot..
all it is :
1 box cake mix
1 egg white
1 can diet cola
mix and put in a 9x12 inch pan and bake for about 45 minutes or until toothpick is clean.
This was so easy to bake and let me tell you it tastes GREAT! I kept some for us and gave the rest to the parents ;) While baking I ate some batter and tons of grapes to try and avoid the batter.. hahah that didn't work too well :-P
I vegged around getting things done for work, reading the paper and cutting out coupons... For dinner I had one of my frozen chickpea cutlets from Vcon with homemade honey mustard to dip it in and some more sweet potato with salsa.. MMMM 

I then had some of the cake with frosting ofcourse.. I had cut it for Adam but had to steal some bites.. so no pic.. oopps.. I'll get one tomorrow for ya ;)
I'm off to watch the travel channel with my honey and relax before another fun filled week of work..
Hope your weekend was great!
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