When we got to Harrah's we got a beer at http://www.harrahsresort.com/casinos/harrahs-atlantic-city/casino-misc/indoor-pool-detail.html we went into the hot tub for about an hour and it was AMAZING! Just the way to start a girls night out :) we then went back up to our room and started the getting ready process.. which when there are 5 women=FOREVER!!!!!!! We didn't get to our fav restaurant http://www.theirishpub.com/html.htm until after 9pm, which is crazy for me since I eat by 6 the latest. By the time we ate my stomach hurt from being so hungry, I seriously inhaled it so quick I barely tasted it.. I got their grilled chicken sandwich with honey mustard and fries, and had another Miller Light. We then took a cab over to The Taj Mahal to see Daddypop :) I had 2 more beers there and just watched all the "interesting" sites there.. hahah Needless to say by 3:30 am this morning after being awake since 6am Sat, I was more then ready to PASS OUT! We went back up to the room and got ready for some nite nite time. I think I conked out around 4ish and woke up around 9.. NOT ENOUGH SLEEP! Everyone else was up and ready by 11 so we left and stopped to get bagels before we got the car from valet. Well we waited in line for our bagels for about 25 minutes and then over and hour for the car! Apparently they never put up my friends keys for her car.. so we just waited and waited! IT WAS NUTS! Needless to say by 12:30ish we were on the road and I was again inhaling more food.. I have been craving a bagel with butter for a few weeks now and decided this morning was the perfect time for it ;)
When I got home I found Adam in bed with a headache so I unpacked ate some fruit almonds and got a few things done.. We ran out to the super market=NIGHTMARE! because of the snow.. We had to park in no mans land .. But atleast we got our food..
Dinner was 1/2 cup egg beaters with a piece of cheese and a morning star farms veggie sausage.. SO GOOD! I also snacked on a ton of grapes that we bought today and had some cherry jello with cool whip for dessert. YUMO! Sorry for lack of pics. its just been one of those weekends.. I know ya'll understand :-D If you on the East Coast wear your PJ's inside out!! lets hope for a snow day tomorrow!!!!!!!! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.. See ya tomorrow!
Oh and I'll leave ya with the only 2 good pictures I got this weekend...

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