I was lucky to be able to sleep in until 8 today! I was so excited!!!! I woke up and relaxed for a bit before making coffee and some breakfast. I made some pumpkin spice coffee and French Toast waffles that I got from http://www.seebriderun.com/ They were AWESOME! Adam and I both loved them, I made mine with Aunt Jamima Low Fat Waffles, 2 eggs, skim milk, vanilla and cinnamon. These bad boys kept me full for almost 5 hours!!

After breakfast we ran to school so I could get my bulletin boards done, I needed Adam's tallness to help with the boarders ;) We then went to the new Christmas Tree Shoppe that opened near us. We got some cute things there but it was PACKED since its a rainy Sunday 25 days before Christmas! We then went to Costco to pick up a couple things, Adam got a hot dog and I had one bite since it looked so good, so good but oh so bad ;) ahha just kidding. We also bought a new camera. The one I've been using is from Adam and my first Christmas together which will be 4 years ago. So we got a Nikon Cool Pix, The battery is charging right now so I'll let ya know how it works :-D
Lunch was Stony field Farms nonfat plain yogurt with frozen berries and Honey Bunches of Oats. I also had 4 forkfuls of leftover yummy apple pie, I can't wait for all of this Thanksgiving food to be gone!!! 

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! See you for dinner.
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