I know I've kinda flaked lately on the blogging but I'm ready to get my arse in gear ;) Wednesday night was the annual party at my brides maids house that I've been going to since I was a freshman in High School. We sat around talked, played some drinking games, I hate drinking games!!! And ate some homemade pumpkin ice cream.. MMMM
On Thanksgiving was the big game Manasquan against Wall. My brother got to be the captain for the game which made us all so happy since its the biggest game of the year! Joe is number 49 on the right, walking out to the middle of the field :-D
Manasquan won in overtime, it was an amazing game and we had such a great time!! Once we got home I was hungry and ate some scrambled eggs with cheese to hold me over until dinner, but once I got to my parents around 3 I found out dinner was going to be alot earlier than expected :( I was not hungry for dinner at 4:45 but ate as much as I could anyway!! How could I not?!?! I had turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potato casserole with marshmallows, and green beans with mozzarella cheese and breadcrumbs.. YUM! I also had a bite of cheesecake, pumpkin and apple pies while cutting them for the family and bringing some home for Adam and I. Once home I did some pilates core work from IO on demand and relaxed until Adam got home from his brothers. My brother ended up coming over and hanging out for the night. We played wii and talked, a great way to end Turkey Day :-D

This morning I was up around 7:30 finally got out of bed around 8:15 and made coffee. By 8:45 I realized I should have some breakfast (Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds, Kashi Go Lean Crunch, banana, cinnamon, and light vanilla soy milk)
I want to go to the gym soon to get back in the swing of things so I did some vacuuming and now I'm going to sit and let the food digest a bit more and then I'm off!! I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving :-D

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