Well woke up this morning and had a nice bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios, Wegman's Oats and Honey, with a nanner, cinnamon and 8th Continent Light Vanilla Soymilk. I also brought a mug of hot chocolate with me on my walk.. YUM! 

Lunch was cottage cheese with another HUGE apple (there almost gone!!) a handful of peanuts and a handful of wheat thins. I was in a mood where I just wanted to EAT. Darn rainy weather! I got out around 4.. None of the parents came too early today :( So I walked home in the rain, got ready for the gym and snacked on some Cheez It party mix, and was off to the gym. I did 2 miles and came home right away since it was almost 5 and my friend is coming around 7 to go out for Happy Hour!! We are going to see the band that will be playing at our wedding (which is a year from today!)
I came home showered and had a salad with tuna croutons, and italian dressing. I love this dinner so much! I also had about 15 grapes out of the fridge while standing there looking for the dressing ;)
Well I hope everyone had a great Friday! See you tomorrow with a recap from my night

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