I slept horrible last night so getting up was very easy.. I had my normal bowl of Kashi Go Lean Crunch, Wegman's Oats and Honey with Strawberries, cinnamon, banana and skim milk. I also brought my travel mug of coffee with ff half and half and splenda with me on my chilly walk. It was another "party" day at school, lots and lots of EVIL treats! 

I walked home really quick on my break and walked back to eat my lunch before my break was over. I had another huge apple with whipped cottage cheese, I also had about a cup of honey nut cheerios for some fun. My boss baked yummy cupcakes for the kids and I heard they were awesome I had had one big bite and all the frosting :) mmm so good. I walked home after work and got ready for the gym. I did about 2 miles on the treadmill and some weights and came home to get ready to go out with Adam.
We had out "date" night with Subway and watching a Halloween costume contest in Manasquan. We stumbled upon it one year and have been going ever since just because its so cute :)
Dinner was a Diet Coke and a Veggie Delight on Honey Oat bread. I ate about half of it, there were so many veggies on it!! Adam got foot long of one with meat (of course) and I had a couple of bites, it had pepperoni on it though and it gave me some heartburn! UGH that's what I get for being a piggy!! :-p I took the picture after I had eaten most of what I was eating tonight.

I'm now baking some http://www.hungry-girl.com/chew/chewdetails.php?isid=978 its the hungry girl fudge. I have had a can of pumpkin in my cabinet for a long time now and thought this was a perfect way to use some of it up! :-D I had tons of the batter since all that is in it is brownie mix and pumpkin, I left out the peanut butter.
Have a great night! See you tomorrow.