I made it to the gym and my parents before it started thank goodness ;) At the gym I did about 41 minutes on the treadmill while listening to my Ipod. I also did some lifting today since I finally wasn't in a rush to get home :-D It was a good workout. when I got to the parent's house to do my laundry the rain started on it merry way. I got all the laundry done, came home and put it away then had a yummy bowl of Chobani Vanilla greek yogurt with frozen berries and some of my homemade granola bars that I defrosted. YUM! This has got to be my most favoritist (haha I know its not a word) lunch! I also had a HUGE spoonful of cinnamon raisin peanut butter. Gosh I love this stuff, rainy days just make me want to eat.
The cantalope I bought a few days ago was nice and ready to be cut up so I did that and tried a few bites, it is so sweet and tasty. When I was cleaning up the nice little mess I made from that I noticed something, a ANT!!!!!!!! I had a HUGE outbreak of them last year 2x and it was horrible!! They were coming out of the carpet and were in all my cabinets. I was so upset, we had set up ant traps and everything and nothing seemed to help. Finally I got the Super to come and he sprayed and had the exterminator come too. They finally went away, so needless to say I'm off to Jiffy Lube for an oil change and to the supermarket once again for some ant traps. Lets hope this works!

See everyone for dinner! Hope where you are its nice and sunny!! :-D
foggy here, but I'm not too far away. I hope your ant problem isn't as traumatic this time around.