Hey girlies.. Well yesterday was a rough day until I took 1 too many Aleve and then my hip was finally feeling better! I woke up feeling ok ate some cereal and had my coffee then headed to the gym.
I barely could make it through 2 miles and had to leave after lifting! I came home and did some abs, and some upper body Wii Active and vegged around. Trying to make the pain go away.. What did I do to myself?!?!?!
I was finally hungry for lunch around 1:30 and made up a yummy bowl of salad. I had lettuce, peppers, cucs, red onion, garlic hummus, croutons, and lots of salsa.. MMM I also had a few Pringles :-D
I laid around for most of the afternoon hoping my hip would feel better since Adam and I were going to the Monmouth County fair at night. Luckily it felt better and we went! We saw the racing pigs (I have to see them every year!!) I pet a baby cow, and saw so many adorable animals! I look forward to going to the fair every year, but feel like such a dork since it is usually families with children. Oh well one day I’ll have a kiddie to take with us!! Dinner was a Genisoy bar in the car on the way there since we are saving $$$ and I wasn’t hungry before we left. We did a ton of walking and my hip felt great! We came home and I was getting hungry so I had a nectarine, some pineapple. I also had a Miller Lite, to take the edge off and thanks to Adam a shot of Baily’s Irish Cream. He was hoping some booze would make me feel better.. hahah
Onto today.. I woke up today and was feeling good, I should’ve known it was too good to be true! I putzed around and finally had some breakfast around 9 and lots of coffee :) same cereal as yesterday (Raisin Bran, Kashi Go Lean, naner, cinnamon, and soymilk).

I did some abs and got ready for the gym, unfortunately the pain was unbearable and I like to think of myself as a tough cookie! I didn’t even do a mile on the treadmill and had to come home to Adam in tears.. He decided I should go to the doctor. I showered and got ready and was off.. Well we got there late and they were about to leave for lunch so we just sat in the car for an hour, as it monsooned! Once I was taken she said she thinks I pulled my hip flexor? I was given some Muscle Relaxers and was told to rest.. UGH! If it doesn’t get better by the beginning of the week I have to go back for X-Rays.. lets hope its better!!! We were going to stop off at the pharmacy on the way home but since it was 1:30 already we were both starving! I made the same bowl of salad as yesterday because it totally hit the spot! MMM I had it with some Crystal Light in my new Riverhorse Brewery glass.
I inhaled this bad boy and might have had a few bites of Adam’s pasta salad too.. ;) I’m now trying to lay low until we have to leave at 5 to get my prescription and head to mom and dad’s for my mom and aunt’s Birthday dinner!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM AND AUNT KATHY!!! We are going to have Cesar salad, lasagna, and cake…. MMM I’m also bringing some TJ’s wine, maybe it will make my leg feel better? Its worth a shot ;) hope everyone’s day is going great! See ya later.