Hey Guys! Sorry I went missing.. I get so caught up in a whole bunch of nothing and then realize its been days since I’ve blogged! My eats have been nothing too exciting except for the tasty chicken cheese steak from the diner today for lunch! I was ravenous and told myself just to go crazy ;) Stupid me forgot to take a picture though since I was about to eat my arm! lol I do have some of the pictures of my eats from the weekend for ya though!
Yesterday Adam and I went Blueberry picking and had a blast! I was a little worried after Friday nights festivities since there was WAY too much drinking going on.. We went out for dollar drinks at the Headliner to celebrate my birthday. It was me, Kelli (the bestest bridesmaid EVER) Becky and her guy friend. Well Mike (the friend) kept the drinks flowing.. So much so that I lost track! I have not lost track of drinks in years, so needless to say I was home before midnight and drunk as a skunk! I drank a glass of water, blabbered to Adam and went to sleep.. Or at least tried to until things were spinning.. THIS IS WHY I DON’T DRINK MUCH ANYMORE! NOTE TO SELF! We did have a good time though and that is all that matters :-D Here’s some of Friday’s eats and a couple pictures of the night. The bouncer is my brother… I had to get a picture of him trying to be tough.. Even though I was telling everyone he was my “baby brother”!! haha oopps darn vanilla vodka’s and coke ;)

Surprisingly I was feeling not too shabby Saturday morning.. Hit up the gym to get in 2 miles on the treadmill and lift some weights. I came home got ready and we headed out to Emery’s Organic Farm. It was muddy from the monsoons we’ve been having here in Jersey so Adam said lets take the tractor ride out to the field… Oh boy not a good idea. I thought I was doing good until we got on there and had our bumpy ride, my belly was flipping! But luckily there was no cookie tossing!!! hahah We had so much fun picking almost 3 pounds of blueberries, we then hit up the store they have to get some whole blueberry jelly and some hot pepper salsa for my sweetie. We did our food shopping for the week, had some dinner and went up to Belmar boardwalk for a nice walk after another nightly monsoon. It was gorgeous and had cooled off a ton! We then hit up Blockbuster for our movie night. We got Zach and Miri Make A Porno, it was pretty funny! I was a tad worried when Adam picked it out but I laughed a bunch :-D just what the doctor ordered! Here are some of Saturday’s eats!

Today I slept in until after 8! GO ME! I had some Kashi Go Lean, All Bran Strawberry Medley, banana, cinnamon and soymilk with a nice hot cuppa Joe on the side.
It was laundry day for this girl so I headed over to the rents for some bonding time.. I ate my body weight in grapes at their house and once my laundry was smelling pretty I came home to get ready for a nice walk on Asbury Boardwalk. We did about 2 miles and tried to figure out where to eat. I didn’t want to eat outside in the heat so we came back towards our house and headed to the diner, where I got that tasty Chicken Cheese Steak with Fries MMMMMM I only ate half and plan on having that sucker for din din one night! I came home and snacked on some blueberries just to get some nutrients in ;) I got some stuff done around here and did some Wii Active then decided around 6:30 I needed to eat some dinner.. SO Chobani Vanilla with lots of blueberries and Trader Joe’s Almond Granola it was..
Oh and I stole a few more of Adam’s fries, since he was having the other half of his Cheese Steak. I plan on having a cookie for dessert in a few and then reading some of my book. A woman I work with lent me the book Confessions with a Fat Girl. It is such a good book, I love a book that makes me not want to put it down ;-D
I hope everyone had a great weekend! See ya tomorrow :-)